Evolving society to maximize energy consumption, the way nature intended it!

In harmony with the humanist impulse to declare for all people a right to obtain the highest possible living standards and quality of life, which is inseparable from a right to access energy and increase its use,  Natural History and the laws of evolution teach that society must Maximize its current use of available Energy, while we transition to higher energy density fuels and technology, such as nuclear fission en-route to fusion, if we are to survive and prosper as a species.      

The Renowned American biophysicist Alfred J. Lotka demonstrated, as a Law of Nature that Life evolves towards those organisms that maximize the flow of energy through the system, relative to their given structural and environmental constraints.  That is, that of all possible living forms that might emerge, evolution selects for those that maximize the flow of energy, even as the complexity, efficiency, and connectedness of species increases.  So even as life minimizes energy loss and waste it is maximizing consumption.  Why then should we expect or want any different for human civilization as we evolve to higher levels of organization, structure, and complexity.  In fact it is a natural and necessary right of the peoples and nations of our planet to have maximal access to and use of available energy.  Further, to the extent that this is done throughout history, the natural tendency is to discover and develop new energy sources and technologies that push us beyond the bounds and limits of whatever energy mode is prevalent for that time.  

This implies, when properly unpacked, an unscientific fallacy in the core beliefs of the Green movement and the idea of “limits to growth”.  It further demonstrates that current trends towards a global reduction in energy use and food production is antithetical to Natural Law, and opposes the direction of evolution for the Biosphere.   

The natural analog for a national and global energy policy is one that parallels this evolutionary trend.  That is a policy that maximizes the use of available energy sources, which currently would mean the highest grade fossil fuels (i.e. oil, natural gas, and coal), in tandem with a massive expansion of nuclear power use.  To the extent that fossil fuels are removed and replaced by other means of energy production it should only be by higher order energy dense forms such as nuclear, and eventually fusion.   

What is energy poverty? See video:

Reality check—material costs of mining and mineral for “green” energy — See Article

The future of energy! Fusion Energy and the recent breakthroughs. - See Page